Stylerunner CEO: Julie Stevanja

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Previous experience in the industry?

I didn't have any prior retail experience before cofounding Stylerunner! After identifying the gap in the market for beautifully curated activewear, Stylerunner was launched just three months later. Prior to Stylerunner, I worked for a tech startup company in London and before that I worked in banking. 

Day-to-day role?

As the CEO, I have a mostly strategic role, setting the direction for the business and reviewing each department’s performance at a high level. 

Most rewarding aspect?

Hiring an incredible team of passionate individuals and watching them grow and develop professionally and personally every day. 

Most challenging aspect?

Letting go. When it's your own business, it’s quite easy to think about it 24/7. As the business grows, you have to realise you now have a great team around you that you can trust and you need to restore some balance.

An initiative you are most proud of?

Our internal culture. We call our team wildcats; we have weekly, monthly and end of year trophies including a $2500 travel voucher. We reward hard work, initiative and going above and beyond.   

Biggest change to the industry?

I think there has been a shift in barriers to enter the retail market has allowed smaller players to compete with giant retailers. 

Biggest change in the future?

For Stylerunner, we will continue to improve our offering and innovate with our platform... I can’t tell you all of our secrets! 

What is innovative ecommerce to you?

Looking at customers and their needs with fresh eyes in order to serve them better, rather than imitating what's always been done. 

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