Harris Scarfe CEO: Graham Dean
Day-to-day role?
As CEO, I am responsible for setting the strategic direction for the business. On a day to day basis I work with the Senior Leadership Team on implementing our business strategy, in order to build a strong, sustainable business moving forward.
Most rewarding aspect?
It is hugely satisfying to see the business improve and grow – over the last 12 months we’ve achieved the opening of new stores, had stores refurbished and refreshed some of our older stores. I am also constantly rewarded by the passion and enthusiasm of the team, and their commitment and loyalty to Harris Scarfe.
Most challenging aspect?
One of the greatest challenges in this role is keeping the business ahead of the curve, which means constantly evolving. The expectations of our customers are constantly changing and one of the challenges we face is continuing to develop and meet those expectations.
An initiative you are most proud of?
I am very proud of the brand and how much we have improved and continue to improve, through new stores, refurbishments and refreshments to the way our products are presented to the customers. I am also extremely pleased about the recent Debenhams deal and strongly believe that being able to sell the Debenhams range exclusively through our stores will further enhance the progress we are making.
Biggest change to the industry?
One of the biggest changes we are facing in this industry at present is actually the customer - they have greater access to a multitude of national and international brands than ever before, the competitive environment is therefore increasing and every retailer needs a real point of difference in order to succeed. Technological developments and the growth in online shopping have heightened the competitive environment and we must always have a reason for the customer to want to shop and shop with us. Because of this, at Harris Scarfe we are committed to delivering great products at the best prices, having all the wanted brands, having an exclusive product offer and giving our customers great service and a rewarding instore experience.
Biggest change in the future?
As we have already seen, changes within the industry are happening fast and this will only increase. Retail is constantly evolving and we too will have to evolve the way we engage with our customers. Really knowing our customers shopping habits and ensuring we continue to interact with them and meet their needs will be paramount as the industry continues to grow and change.