
Cotton trailers are set to go up for auction next month, as one of Australia's oldest farming families calls it quits.

After farming since the mid 1800s, a Queensland-based operation has opted to bale out with an auction going live in early March.

Hosted by Lloyds Auctions, it will include 2000 lots with most going up completely unreserved on March 6.

Due to the great demand and interest in the equipment within the auction, Lloyds Auctions have had to break down the amount of lots with grouped items into separate lots to provide further opportunity for buyers to purchase the equipment they are in need of.

“After over 160 years of farming we are sad to come to the end of an era but it was the right decision,” said a family representative.

Some of the equipment within the auction includes cotton trailers, tracked tractors, wheel tractors, prime movers, planters, ploughs, grader boards, land cruisers, pipe, forklifts, implements and more.

The auction is now open for bidding online and will culminate on Wednesday March 6, 2019.


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