Have you reviewed your content strategy amid the COVID-19 outbreak? MAXMEDIALAB CEO Lynette Phillips reveals the key trends and changes to keep ahead of.
How has brand strategy changed or evolved during this time?
The rate that the virus hit the economy and the global psyche is unprecedented, and is something that I’m sure most of us could have never imagined in our lifetime.
There is no denying that the pandemic has changed (and will continue to change) the way consumers shop, work, engage and interact; this undoubtedly has an effect on brand strategy in multiple ways.
Despite best laid plans, the need for agility, adaptiveness, and collaboration (more so than ever) will be the common themes for businesses that will thrive, and/or ultimately survive this new normal period.
What content is resonating most with consumers?
Content that adds value to our lives in our current mindset, mood and situation.
As those at home attempt to establish a new routine, we’re seeing the rise of serialisation content – the same content at the same time each day/week.
Brands are also communicating the ways they are giving back during this challenging time and finding content that lifts the spirits of their audiences, informs them… or at least entertains them!
With consumers now having extra time on their hands, we have observed the increase in live streams, Q&A’s and at-home content with an increasing demand for virtual experiences.
What are some examples of good media strategy at this moment?
Many of our brands seeing success during this challenging period have increased investment in online strategies, primarily focusing on the growth of their ecommerce business through smart, tactical promotional advertising.
Working with our clients, we collectively pivoted quickly, moving event and experiential budgets to capture digital audiences. With self-quarantine and work-from-home policies in place across the country, screen time is up 60%-70%!
Activity such as influencer campaigns, creative send outs delivered to homes, digital event launches, and live streaming are all seeing exceptional and above average uptake and engagement.
With consumers spending more time on social media than ever before, now is the time to create and strengthen brand perceptions and identity, ultimately creating value.
What advice would you give fashion businesses to get through this period?
It is expected that consumers will come back stronger in a backlash against everything we have been through, and brands that have built brand equity over this time will reap the rewards; so whilst it might not be the right time for a hard sell, don’t stop communicating and engaging with your customer.
As a society we will crave experiences, travel, dining out, and making purchases to celebrate and show we’ve made it out the other end. For that moment, a forward-looking burst strategy should be in place to capitalise on the resurgence.