
Pacific Brands has dodged the bullet in an unprecedented number of cases before the national advertising watchdog, but has another two cases yet to be determined.

The fashion group was pulled in before the Advertising Standards Bureau over four separate cases during May, relating to a series of risque campaigns for its Berlei brand. The group was cleared of any wrongdoing, with the watchdog determining it did not breach nudity or sexuality guidelines in the Advertising Code of Practice.

The Berlei billboard and bus campaigns featured slogans such as ‘Get Your Boobs Done in Your Lunch Hour’ and selected shots which zoomed in on models’ chests only. The campaigns are part of a broader strategy for the intimate apparel brand to appeal to the youth market.

In case notes viewed by Ragtrader, Pacific Brands defended its creative: “The tone of the headline is deliberately a little cheeky and designed to bring a smile to her face. It reminds women they don’t require surgical intervention to enhance their cleavage, just a Berlei bra. We think this sends out a positive message.”

In a listing of Advertising Standards Bureau cases for the month of June, Pacific Brands has had another two separate cases open up relating to its advertising. An outcome had not been determined at time of press.

Assia Benmedjdoub

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